Arts & Science Soiree

09/02/2021 18:00 - 20:00 Trafo Jena and online

Since the 1990s, there has been a paradigm shift from silicon- to carbon-based technologies. The corona pandemic is now acting like a burning glass: It is bringing biotechnology as the key industry of the 21st century into the focus of everyone's attention.

The MIT biologist and artist Joe Davis has been developing innovative concepts and artistic-scientific positions in this context since the 1980s – he is widely regarded as a pioneer of the BioArt scene. He was the first artist to process manipulated DNA and encode human language in it. We are therefore extremely pleased to welcome this thought leader and to start a public discourse with him about the technologies of the future in Jena!

Further discussion partners:

  • Prof. Christina Brandt, professor for the history and philosophy of the natural sciences at the FSU and head of the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Lorkowski, head of the Institute for Nutritional Sciences at FSU
  • Dr. Hendrik Huthoff, coordinator of the Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC).

The panel will be moderated by journalist August Modersohn.

Trafo Jena
Nollendorfer Str. 30, 07743 Jena

Limited places, free entry - donation requested.
