Company visit BLINK Dx

03/21/2024 BLINK Dx

The JSMC speakers are pleased to offer you a new format on the topic of career prospects! As you know, there are already great events like “Alternative Careers in Science (ACiS)”, which provide exciting insights into different jobs and career paths. To highlight Jena as science hub in Thuringia, we would like to give you additional insights into Jena-based companies. And what better way to do this than to visit the companies and talk to the employees?

The first company we could recruit for this format is BLINK Dx. BLINK Dx is a company founded in 2015, that develops assays and solutions for bioanalytics and diagnostics. You can find out more about the company here:

The company visit will take place on Thursday, March 21st, in the afternoon or early evening. After an introduction to the company, there is a tour in smaller groups through the different departments of the company. Particularly exciting: The employees are happy to answer questions about their respective careers. At the end there is a get-together in a relaxed atmosphere, which leaves plenty of time for more intensive exchange.

The main purpose of the event is for you to talk to the companies and employees, to make initial contacts and to ask any questions you have regarding the professions and activities in an informal setting. Examples of possible career paths will be shown and you will get valuable experience from employees, who themselves have often move directly from the university of non-university institutes into industry. We want to help you make career choices a bit easier and help you be informed about which skill sets could be beneficial.

In order to make the visit pleasant for the company and us, the number of participants is limited. Please contact Anna Czapka if you are interested!

Registration will be open until March 7th - first come, first served!