Early Career Research Exchange

11/22/2024 13:00 - 14:00 JSMC building, Neugasse 23, lecture hall

This series is especially intended for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, although all JSMC and Microverse members are invited to attend.

Paul Mike Jordan - Guest contribution: Microverse Scientist Exchange Fund

Ekaterine Gabashvili - Impact of oxygen on Candidate Phyla Radiation Bacteria in Groundwater Incubation Experiments
Parastoo Akbari Moghaddam - From Pixels to Insights: Image-based Analysis of Organ-on-Chip Models
Adrian Feile - DPO (3,5-dimethylpyrazin-2-ol)-dependent quorum sensing modifies biofilm behaviour of Vibrio cholerae in a 3D-intestine-on-chip infection model

Cake Break

Moemi Kawashima - Lipid raft-associated proteins in the mould Aspergillus nidulans
Marcus Böhm - Colloidal partitioning of Selenium in soil and rhizosphere porewaters revealed by complementary AF4 and SEC multidetector analysis
Dolly Montano - The influence of epithelial cells on macrophage polarization during C. albicans infection