Early Career Research Exchange
This series is especially intended for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, although all JSMC and Microverse members are invited to attend.
Guest contribution: Microverse Scientist Exchange Fund
Xiu Jia - Understanding community coalescence by using a consumer-resource model
Sophie Tröger - The proteomic response of Aspergillus fumigatus to Amphotericin B (AmB) reveals the involvement of the RTA-like protein RtaA in AmB resistance
Kerstin Unger - Beyond defense: Glucosinolate structural diversity shapes recruitment of a metabolic network of leaf-associated bacteria
Cake Break
Friedrich Johannes Ehinger - Unusually Reactive Peptides From Diverse Microbes
Sundar Hengoju - Droplet microfluidics for high-throughput screening
Annika Lenic - Investigating natural redox mediators for cathodically grown biocatalysts