In Search of New Antibiotics - A chemical Expedition from the Present to the Stone Age
Most antibiotics consist of chemical compounds that are produced by microorganisms. In recent years, the rapid spread of resistant pathogens has led to many antibiotics losing their effectiveness. The search for new active substances is therefore a key scientific challenge in the fight against this resistance. However, traditional strategies often reach their limits, which is why new and innovative approaches are required. Two such approaches will be discussed.
A deeper understanding of why microorganisms produce certain compounds in their natural environment offers the possibility of discovering new active substances. Situations in which bacteria use natural products to defend themselves against their enemies are particularly revealing.
Another approach to identifying novel natural products is based on an understanding of the evolutionary change of natural products over time. Prehistoric DNA can be used to reconstruct and test natural products from past times.
The event is in German language.
More information: Auf der Suche nach neuen Antibiotika eine chemische Expedition von der Gegenwart in die Steinzeitt (