Jena Alliance course: How to Start a Research Group - How to get there, and what to do when you are there

03/18/2022 09:00 - 14:00 Dr. Mark Gresnigt Online or at Neugasse 23

As an early career researcher, starting a junior research group is often the next crucial step in the academic career. However, leading a junior research group is crucially different from doing work as a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher.

During this workshop we will discuss the path to starting a Junior Research Group. Highlight crucial aspects and what you can work on early during your career to make sure you have a competitive profile.

In the first year as a junior research group leader, one encounters a lot of new situations experiences and tasks. Some of these one might expect, while other situations that can be completely unexpected. We will discuss what you can do to successfully start and manage your research group once you have secured funding for your group.

Location: if in presence seminar room 101 at Neugasse 23

The number of participants will be limited to 12.
To register please send an email to

First come, first served!