Jena Alliance Life in Focus course: Career Planning
Target group: Doctoral researchers in at least their 2nd year and postdocs (preferably from the natural and life sciences)
Content: The majority of PhD holders does not stay in academia, but pursues careers in a variety of fields. Many young scientist struggle with finding out which career path they would like to pursue. They are not sure which career options exist, and they often have never taken the time to reflect on what kind of work they would actually like to do, and what their values, interests and goals in life are. The following topics will be covered in the course:
- Discovering career and life goals: What kind of work would they like to do? What are their dreams and ideas for the future?
- Analyzing skills and competencies: What are they good at? What do they enjoy doing? Which “hidden” competencies are they maybe not aware of?
- Exploring career options: Where do people with a PhD outside academia work?
- Make a plan: What are the next steps?
The four webinars will take place on 31st January and on 3rd, 7th and 10th February 2023 from 9 to 11 am. Webinars take place in Zoom and last between 90-120 minutes. Time for self-study in between webinars.
The course is supplemented by individual coaching sessions two weeks after the course. Participants can discuss their individual topics and questions with Dr. Iris Köhler during the coaching session.
To register please send an email to
First come, first served!