Jena Alliance Workshop: How to manage your supervisor

09/07/2022 09:00 - 16:00 Dr. Rosmarie Katrin Neumann online via Zoom

This workshop offered by the Jena Alliance provides knowledge and strategic application of communication techniques to establish your supervision arrangement toward a sustainable win-win relationship.

The workshop is for you, if you want to know:

  • How to be clear about your own expectations?
  • What is the foundation for healthy boundary setting?
  • How can clarity help you to build trust, and why is the skill of active listening combined with empathy so powerful?
  • What role does culture play?
  • How to set-up and prepare good supervision meetings?


  • Input on powerful communications based on my long experience as coach and also based on my own PhD research combined with countless stories on best and worst case supervision stories.
  • Exercises on perspective changes, reflection on your goals and values that underpin what and why you do things the way you do.
  • Exercises on active listening.
  • We will be very interactive and build a trusting atmosphere where you can exchange and also support each other.

Note: Rosmarie is not an expert on employment law or alike. She is training based on her communication impact expertise! The focus is more on prevention and solving of conflicts before they get out of hand and require legal action.

This event is open to all Jena Alliance doctoral researchers.

Please register by 24.08.22 by filling out the registration form.