JSMC Induction/Basic Meeting

03/02/2021 09:00 - 10:00 Dr. Hendrik Huthoff Online Lecture

Please feel cordially invited to the JSMC Basic meeting on 2nd March 2021 from 9 – 10 pm. We will introduce the basic ideas of the JSMC and give some information about a number of organizational matters (including the credit points system, JSMC grants etc.). We will of course answer all other questions that you might still have and we’ll also have experienced JSMC Doctoral Researchers participating in this meeting who will answer your questions from the doctoral researchers’ perspective.

Join Zoom meeting here: https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/j/98091467423

Meeting ID: 980 9146 7423
Passcode: 678747

One tap mobile
+496938079883,,98091467423#,,,,*678747# Germany
+496950502596,,98091467423#,,,,*678747# Germany

This is a great opportunity to get a comprehensive overview of everything relevant to your JSMC membership.