Microverse course: Research Data Management for Biomedical Researchers
The Research Data Management Helpdesk (FSU Jena) together with ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences offers a course for all-qualification-levels of biomedical researchers interested in research data management (RDM). The two-days online course consists of knowledge transfer with a special focus on biomedical RDM topics as interactive elements. The course language is English.
Topics of the course:
- Basic definitions in research data management and the data life cycle
- Data management plans (DMP) and DMP tools
- Data collection
- Data processing and analysis
- Data publishing and sharing
- Data preservation
- Data reuse and search
- Legal aspects and Licenses
- Introduction to local and national RDM support facilities
The course consists of two sessions. The first is on wednesday, 23.11.2022 from 09:00 to 12:30, the second on Friday, 25.11.2022 from 09:00 to 12:30.
Registrations can be made via this link: