Online Workshop: On the Way to FAIR Data: Tales from the Road
As part of the Thüringer FDM-Tage 2020 of the Thuringian Competence Network Research Data Management, the Research Data Management Helpdesk of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena organizes the workshop "On the Way to FAIR Data: Tales from the Road".
The event is intended to introduce the concept of FAIR data and how these principles can help to improve science. Our guest speaker Joy Davidson from the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) in Edinburgh will introduce the topic, while Christian Jolger and David Urschler from the FSU Jena show how good data management and the implementation of the FAIR principles can be realised in the daily work in science.
We are looking forward to interesting talks and inspiring discussions.
Date: 30th June 2020
Place: Webinar via Big Blue Botton
Time: 09:00am - 12:30pm
Roman Gerlach - Welcome and Introduction
Joy Davidson - TBA
Christian Jogler - TBA
David Urschler - TBA
Concluding discussion
The event is in English.
Due to the current restrictions, the workshop will take place as an online event. To register, please write an email to The event is free of charge.