WKJ workshop: Doing Diversity - Shaping cultural chance in science

09/12 - 09/13/2024 Dr. Anne Freese, Dr. Isabell Fraas in presence

This workshop is organised by the Verbund WKJ „Wissenschaftler:innen und Karriere Jena“, of which the Jena School for Microbial Communication is a member.

Date: Thursday/ Friday, September 12 and 13

Target group: all

Description: The terms diversity, diversity competence and diversity management are currently on everyone's lips. But what exactly does 'diversity' mean in which contexts (theory and practice) and why is diversity competence becoming increasingly relevant as a key competence in studies, work and everyday life?

In the workshop, we will jointly approach these questions and offer a professionalization of your gender and diversity competence by exploring:

  • Acquiring knowledge: diversity dimensions, forms discrimination, functioning of unconscious bias
  • Self-reflection: Status of my knowledge and competence in Diversity matters
  • Ways of action: Inclusion strategies, Gender- and Diversity-sensitive communication & team work

The workshop will be held in English at the university of Jena. It will consist of impulse lectures, group exercises and self-reflection units. There will be a fair amount of time dedicated to exchange and learning from each other.

Workshop leader: Dr. Anne Freese, Dr. Isabell Fraas, https://www.anne-freese.de/2022/12/21/ueber-uns-isabel-fraas-und-anne-freese-als-dozentinnen-team/