American delegation in Jena

North American Delegation
North American Delegation with President Walther Rosenthal (Photo: Jens Meyer-FSU Jena)

After a long period with limited international visits, the DAAD invited a delegation from twelve renowned Canadian and US universities and research institutes on the “Germany Today Tour 2021". Besides research institutes in Dresden, Leipzig and Berlin, also the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena have been visited.

On October 12th, the FSU hosted the group consisting of senior administrators like vice presidents for international affairs or heads of international offices in order to inform about the German higher education system and Jena’s research landscape. President Walter Rosenthal and the International Office opened the event, which aimed at cultivating old cooperations and opening up new ones. Specifically, the meeting was about exploring common interests and formats, but also about potential research collaborations and technology transfer.

The group also met the Cluster of Excellence at the venues of the Abbe Center of Photonics. Together with the Jena School for Microbial Communication and the Graduate Academy, we informed about our research topics, our structure, and the importance of interdisciplinary, interinstitutional and international cooperation as well as promotion of career development, especially of junior researchers.

Read the german press release by the Axel Burchardt (FSU Jena)