Call for Applications: Microverse Science Communication and Early Career Scientist Awards 2024

Deadline for both Callls: November 29, 2024

"Balance of the Microverse" invites applications for two prestigious awards celebrating excellence in science communication and early career research!

Microverse Science Communication Award

The Microverse Science Communication Award recognizes outstanding efforts in making our research accessible to a broad audience. Applicants are encouraged to submit innovative projects, such as articles, blogs, podcasts, or public engagement events that highlight the relevance of microbial communication in environmental and human health. The goal is to bridge the gap between science and the public by fostering understanding and engagement with the microbiome's role in ecosystems and society.

Who is eligible?

  • Microverse Principal and Associated Investigators
  • Doctoral Researchers, Postdocs and Junior Research Group Leaders of the Cluster
  • Colleagues in Jena with astrong thematic connection to the Microverse Cluster

Which documents need to be submitted?

  • Completed nomination form
  • Please add a link for referencematerial in the nomination form or upload pictures, videos to our cloud!
  • Note: Please name all submitted documents clearly (e.g. last_name_first_name_content.pdf)


  • 1.000 Euro

Microverse Early Career Scientist Award

The Microverse Early Career Scientist Award 2024 aims to honor outstanding early career scientists for their achievements and significant contribution to the mission of the Microverse Cluster. With this award we want to recognize significant publications,excellent research achievements, major method advancements, transfer activities and entrepreneurship … or other outstanding contributions. All Microverse researchers are invited to nominate early career scientists for the award. Self‐nomination of early career scientists is possible.

Sounds like someone you know? - Please submit your nominations here!

Who is eligible?

  • Doctoral researchers, Postdocs or Junior research group leaders, up to 6 years after PhD
  • must be a Microverse member or have a strong thematic connection to the Microverse Cluster

Which documents need to be submitted?

  • completed nomination form
  • Curriculum vitae of the nominee
  • In case of self‐nomination, one letter of recommendation
  • Note: Please name all submitted documents clearly (e.g. last_name_first_name_content.pdf)

Prize or Supplies

  • 5.000 Euro

The award ceremony will take place during the Microverse Christmas Party on December 11, 2024.

We look forward to your submissions! - For any questions contact us: contact@microverse‐