Visiting Professors
We are pleased to welcome Microverse Visiting Professors from around the world, whose expertise aligns closely with the Microverse topic, enriching our academic community with their international perspectives and specialized knowledge.

Leo Eberl
Microverse Visiting Professor
Professor of Microbiology at University of Zurich, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Vijay Rathinam
Microverse Visiting Professor
Professor of Immunology at UConn Health, USA

Ashley Shade
Microverse Visiting Professor
Director of Research with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in France

Miguel Soares
Microverse Visiting Professor
Leader of the Inflammation Group at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Portugal

Matthew Sullivan
Microverse Visiting Professor
Professor of Microbiology and Director for the Center of Microbiome Science at Ohio State University, USA