Dual-oscillator infrared electro-optic sampling with attosecond precision
Weigel A, Jacob P, Schweinberger W, Huber M, Trubetskov M, Karandušovský P, Hofer C, Buberl T, Amotchkina T, Högner M, Hahner D, Sulzer P, Leitenstorfer A, Pervak V, Krausz F, Pupeza, I 2024 Dual-oscillator infrared electro-optic sampling with attosecond precision Optica 11, 726-735.
Electro-optic sampling of infrared electric fields has set sensitivity and dynamic-range records in broadband molecular vibrational spectroscopy. Yet, in these works, the 1-second-scale single-trace acquisition time leads to intra-scan noise accumulation and restricts the throughput in measurements of multiple samples and of dynamic processes. We present a dual-laser-oscillator approach capturing 2800 mid-infrared waveforms per second by scanning the relative delay between the sampled waveform and the gate pulses using a modulated repetition-frequency lock. The new technique of electro-optic delay tracking (EODT) provides delay calibration with down to few-attosecond precision and provides a general route to high-precision dual-oscillator spectroscopy with picosecond delay ranges. Our work has immediate applications in, e.g., precision electric-field metrology and high-speed biosensing.