Research Data Management at Microverse

The Research Data Management (RDM) team offers support to the Microverse scientists in all aspects of RDM with services ranging from training and Data Management planning to the provision of platforms. We aim to foster FAIR data in the cluster.

Education and consultancy

In collaboration with the FSU research data management help desk, we can provide workshops on research data management, best practices for scripts and workflows, OMERO tutorials, and metadata standards. Due to staff changes, ongoing RDM workflow updates and implementation of new service features, dedicated workshops will resume in the 4th quarter of 2024. In the meantime, general RDM training offered by the RDM helpdesk and on-demand one-on-one consulting are available to Microverse researchers. The help desk also supports other aspects related to preparing data management plans, legal consultancy, and facilitating the exchange of data, tools, software, and methods.

Picture: KI generated, Adobe Stock

Services and tools

Research data management platform BEXIS2

Key Features

  • Data FAIRification with low effort
  • Helps users to keep track of their data
  • Easy data sharing for collaborative projects
  • Access from 3rd party software and services via API calls
  • Alleviates effort for data management for multicenter/longitude studies
  • To preserve research context, the BEXIS2 system provides a method for establishing relationships between datasets

The Microverse BEXIS2 instance is under development and will be available for users in the 4th quarter of 2024.

Image data management platform OMERO

Key Features

  • Supports over 140 image file formats, including all major microscope formats
  • Upload data via the desktop app or command line
  • View, organise and annotate image data
  • Perform analysis on data in OMERO and save results on the server
  • Share data using the Groups/Users permission system

The Microverse OMERO instance is reachable from the FSU intranet and external networks via HTTPS protocol with the web client or by WSS protocol using the desktop app or 3rd party software (e.g. ImageJ). Access to the server can be granted by the Microverse Imaging Center. Most data sets within the Microverse OMERO instance are private. Access to a private project requires approval by the project leader or data manager in charge of the data. The total available capacity is ~20TB.

NAS for hot data

The network-accessible storage is dedicated to data currently in use (hot data). The server is reachable via SMB protocol from the FSU intranet only, the access from external networks is possible via VPN (FSU credentials required). Access can be granted by the Microverse RDM team upon written request. The total available capacity is ~70TB.

Contact persons

Birgitta König-Ries

Birgitta König-Ries

Research Data Manager

Friedrich Schiller University
Institute of Computer Science

Christoph Steinbeck

Christoph Steinbeck

Research Data Manager

Friedrich Schiller University
Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Martin Hohmuth

Scientific Software Developer

Ivan Belyaev

Research Data Manager