Cluster of Excellence “Balance of the Microverse”

Microorganisms – the smallest living organisms – are crucial to sustain life on Earth. The functioning of all ecosystems depends on finely balanced interactions among microorganisms. The balance is constantly challenged by human interference and environmental disturbances, leading to diseases, severe crop losses and ecosystem degradation.

The Microverse Cluster explores the intricate web of microbial interactions, uniquely transferring ecological concepts to medicine with the goal of targeted interventions.

Successful Premiere: First Joint Symposium at the Berlin Futurium

Picture Credits: Svea Pietschmann
Picture Credits: Svea Pietschmann

“It’s fantastic that these clusters are now coming together on this topic and facilitating such exchanges. […] Basic research generates new knowledge, which is the foundation for everything else. I’m impressed by how complementary these consortia are and how their collaboration adds a much-needed dimension across individual groups.” (Veronika von Messling, Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

From October 1 to 2, 2024, the three Clusters of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse" (Friedrich Schiller University Jena), "CMFI – Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections" (University of Tübingen), and "RESIST – Resolving Infection Susceptibility" (Hannover Medical School) hosted the scientific symposium "Microbes – Connecting Environment and Health" at the Berlin Futurium. The two-day conference featured a diverse program, bringing together not only researchers from the clusters but also professionals and interested participants focusing on topics such as antimicrobial resistance, microbial community resilience, infection susceptibility, and the significance of the microbiome for health.

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Early Career Researchers

Supporting early career scientists is crucial in the Microverse Cluster. We offer holistic and individualized support, from studies to leading research groups, through mentorship programs, funding opportunities, and access to advanced research facilities.

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Scientist Exchange Program

The Microverse Cluster supports international research collaborations through its International Scientist Exchange program. This initiative provides two key funding opportunities to facilitate global knowledge exchange and cooperation:

  • Visiting Professor Program
  • Early Career Scientist Exchange Program

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